Peer-reviewed scientific articles
- Gennari, R., Melonio, A., & Rizvi, M. (2019). Turn Taking with Turn Talk in Group: Actions and Reflections with Children and Teachers, in Multimedia Tools and Applications, MTAP, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-018-7090-2, (IF: 1.541)
- Gennari, R., Melonio, A., & Rizvi, M. From TurnTalk to ClassTalk: the Emergence of Tangibles for Conversations in Primary School Classrooms. In Behaviour & Information Technology, BIT, Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2019.1614226 (IF: 1.380)
- Gennari R., Melonio A., Rizvi M., Investigating class conversations with Classtalk: a study with tangible object prototypes in a primary school. In Proc. of 2018 Int. Conf,. on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 49, 5 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3206505.3206513, (GGS rating: B)
- Gennari R., Melonio A., Rizvi M., Evolving Tangibles for Children’s Social Learning through Conversations: Beyond TurnTalk; In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2018); DOI: 10.1145/3173225.3173248, (GGS rating: A-)
- Gennari R., Melonio A., Rizvi M, Bonani A., Design of IoT Tangibles for Primary Schools: A Case Study, In Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly 2017). ACM,New York, NY, USA, Article 26, DOI: 10.1145/3125571.3125591
- Rizvi, M. (2017). The Evolution of a Tangible for Children’s Conversations: Research Questions and Progress. In Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium, Posters and Demos at CHItaly 2017 co-located with 12th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, CHItaly 2017, Cagliari, Italy, September 18-20, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1910, pp. 57-65, Best Student Paper Award
- Gennari, R., Melonio, A., & Rizvi, M. (2017). The Participatory Design Process of Tangibles for Children’s Socio-emotional Learning. In End-User Development: 6th International Symposium, IS-EUD’2017, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 13-15, 2017,Proceedings (pp. 167–182). Cham: Springer International Publishing. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-58735-6_12
- Gennari, R., Pavani, F., & Rizvi, M. (2017). Tangible Design for Inclusive Conversations with Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Children. In Emerging Technologies for Education: First International Symposium, SETE’2016, Rome, Italy, October 26-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 288–297). Cham: Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-52836-6_29
- Melonio, A. & Rizvi, M. (2016). The Design of TurnTalk for the Scaffolding of Balanced Conversations in Groups of Children. In Emerging Technologies for Education: First International Symposium, SETE’2016, Rome, Italy, October 26-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 278–287). Cham: Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-52836-6_28
- Rizvi, M. (2016). Children’s Socio-emotional Learning Enhanced by Tangibles for Group Activities. In Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium at the 15th International Conference on Web-Based learning co-located with the 15th International Conference on Web-Based Learning, DC-ICWL’2016, Rome, Italy, October 28, 2016. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1759, (pp. 37–45)
News articles intended for the general public, linked to my research and artwork :
In local newspapers:
- Al Trevi la mostra «Bolzano, città vivente» (The exhibition at Trevi: Bolzano, living city), Published in AltoAdige newspaper, 30.09.2018; Available online at: http://www.altoadige.it/cronaca/bolzano/al-trevi-la-mostra-bolzano-città-vivente-1.1762171
- Impulsi Vivi, la finale al Cento Trevi, Published in AltoAdige Innovation, 04.04.2019; Available online at: https://www.altoadigeinnovazione.it/impulsi-vivi-la-finale-al-cento-trevi/
By Impulsivi, Bolzano’s Cultural Incubator:
- Storie di innovazione culturale (A story of cultural innovation), Impulsivi, 2019 edition
Available online at: https://www.impulsivivi.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/brochure1819-ita.pdf, pg. 15-17
- Tangible Recollections, i ricordi trasformati in oggetti fisici (Tangible Recollections, memories transformed into physical objects); Available online at: https://www.impulsivivi.com/tangible-recollections-i-ricordi-trasformati-in-oggetti-fisici/
By WeighStation for Culture, Bolzano, Italy:
- WS Call – Bozen: the Living City, una storia interattiva (an interactive history); Available online at: http://weighstation.eu/news/ws-call-bozen-living-city-una-storia-interattiva/
Public artistic and design activities
- Public art exhibition: Piazza BZ platz, May 10 – 31, 2019, Centro Trevi, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; supported by: Ufficio Politiche giovanili, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Alto Adige, Italy
- Public art exhibition: Bozen: The Living City, una storia interattiva, Sept 25 – Oct 02, 2018, Centro Trevi, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; supported by WeighStation and Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Italy
- Permanent Virtual Art Exhibition,Bozen: the Living City, una storia interattiva, hosted at ZeitRoom Virtual Museum of Youth; Accessible at https://www.zeitroom.com/it/collezione/303/?lang=it